Example data & software

Here we provide links to data sets and recommendations
for software to help the RSIF community progressing with compatible
results. This refers to not only RSIF techniques but also quality
assessment and evaluation of fused images.


Open Remote Sensing: Open Remote Sensing is a website aiming at the free distribution of codes and data for the remote sensing community. It has a section on Pansharpening containing publications, data and codes that are of interest to the RSIF community.


IEEE GRSS Data Fusion

The IEEE GRSS organises a data fusion contest each year. The provided data sets remain available and can be used for experiments and research: Link data sets IEEE Data Fusion Contest

Pléiades Toulouse dataset exploited during the Data Fusion Contest 2006, see Sect. IV-B of the paper: L. Alparone, et al. 2007, “Comparison of pansharpening algorithms: Outcome of the 2006 GRS-S data-fusion contest”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 45(10), 3012-3021.


Publication on free and open software for geospatial applications (FOSS4G)

Brovelli, Maria Antonia, Marco Minghini, Rafael Moreno-Sanchez, and Ricardo Oliveira. 2016. Free and open source software for geospatial applications (FOSS4G) to support Future Earth. International Journal of Digital Earth:1-19.

Pansharpening Toolbox based on Vivone, G., L. Alparone, J. Chanussot, et al. 2015. A Critical Comparison Among Pansharpening Algorithms. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on 53 (5):2565-2586.

Quality Assessment

MatLab GUI for image quality assessment, it calculates eight different indices. Author Aristides D. Vaiopoulos

http://www.pansharp.com/applications/imanalysis/, stand-alone version of the above. Author Aristides D. Vaiopoulos